Age 1-4
experience and discuss bullying in a safe and comforting way
Llama Llama and the Bully Goat
Anna Dewdney
parent and child will sure be able to recognize themselves in this sweet read!
Llama Llama Mad at Mama
Anna Dewdney
simple, deep emotional intelligence on exactly what children are dealing with
Llama Llama Red Pajama
Anna Dewdney
the funny and adorable sequel to The Gruffalo
The Gruffalo’s Child
Donaldson & Scheffler
creative rhymes, a must have!
The Gruffalo
Donaldson & Scheffler
we LOVE this little book!
Dear Zoo
Rod Campbell
a well-loved classic, is slow-paced to fall asleep to
Goodnight Moon
Margaret Wise Brown
gentle, magical
The Runaway Bunny
Margaret Wise Brown
Goodnight Songs
Margaret Wise Brown
Big Red Barn
Margaret Wise Brown