Age 4-7
another for all you Donaldson & Scheffler fans!
A Squash and a Squeeze
Donaldson & Scheffler
experience and discuss bullying in a safe and comforting way
Llama Llama and the Bully Goat
Anna Dewdney
a great way to talk to kids about being aware of other people's needs and being kind
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
McCloud & Messing
simple, slow, beautiful and imaginative - a new classic in our home!
Where the Wild Things Are
Maurice Sendak
difficult people, bad weather, bullies - the struggles of every day life
I Had Trouble Getting to Solla Sollew
Dr. Seuss
ordinary people change the world
I am Gandhi
Meltzer & Eliopoulos
ordinary people change the world
I am Abraham Lincoln
Meltzer & Eliopoulos
ordinary people change the world
I am Helen Keller
Meltzer & Eliopoulos
ordinary people change the world
I am Sacagawea
Meltzer & Eliopoulos
a witty story
Room on the Broom
Donaldson & Scheffler
when a tiny snail meets a humpback whale, the two travel together to far-off lands
The Snail and the Whale
Donaldson & Scheffler
the funny and adorable sequel to The Gruffalo
The Gruffalo’s Child
Donaldson & Scheffler
creative rhymes, a must have!
The Gruffalo
Donaldson & Scheffler
not just for girls!
Goodnight For Rebel Girls
Favilli & Cavallo
With consistency, sight words encourage fluency and confidence.
Bob Books
Bobby Lynn Maslen
Even though bad dreams are scary, they aren't real.
Bad Dreams
Stan & Jan Berenstain
When kids miss out on wonderful things, a plan is made to move away from the TV!
Too Much TV
Stan & Jan Berenstain
Beautiful illustrations, classics tales to pass from generation to generation
Aesop’s Fables
Illustrated by Don Daily
Moving soon? Help process the event with this book.
The Berenstain Bears’ Moving Day
Stan & Jan Berenstain
the power of curiosity in the hands of a child
Ada Twist Scientist
Beaty & Roberts