We all have an inner barometer of meaning. Things that make us feel a tingling sense that “this” is what life is all about.
Spiritual emotions such as awe, gratitude, reverence – come up for us whenever we stumble across something that feels meaningful to us. We sense that we are doing something important, something of value, something that makes life worth living.
Something that leaves a legacy for our children. Something that aligns well with our value and purpose.
These can be fleeting day-to-day moments – like overcoming a challenging conflict with our partner, or rising above the trigger, or taking proper care of our selves and our homes.
Or they can be more visible passion projects we take on. Either way – they are like guideposts to the “us” we want to be.
Let’s hear it – What brought you a sense of meaning this year? I’d love it if you shared in the comments on Instagram or Facebook, or feel free to journal privately in your Finish Strong Guide.