My guess is you have your stories on how you’ve failed this year… failed yourself, failed others. Maybe you’re being a little hard on yourself? Is this how you would speak to a good friend? Is this how you would want your child to talk to themselves?
What would it take for you to look yourself in the mirror and forgive your human flaws? Let go a little bit of any lingering (or crippling) perfectionism? What would it take to see your mistakes as learning opportunities and your failures as just an attempt that didn’t go according to plan? What mantra would help you let go of that right now?
To #FinishStrongWithTPJ we need to be kind to ourselves, believe in ourselves and let go of all our messy middle mess ups…
If you’re ready to Finish Strong, grab your Finish Strong Guide or answer the journal prompts over on Instagram or Facebook.
Finish this sentence: I need to forgive myself for…