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Mindfulness Hacks for Minimalist Moms

In this day and age we can easily get bogged down by distractions, decisions, shiny object syndrome and decision fatigue. Here are 5 hacks to focus on when you’re looking to develop a growth mindset that supports your life, rather than diffuses your power.

  1. Clarity – Getting clear is all about attuning to yourself, exploring your wishes, wants and desires… it’s about self knowledge. Start getting to know yourself and your preferences better. Shout out to all my recovering people pleasers – this one is for you. Take a moment to journal each day: What do YOU want?
  2. Commitment – Just like a good marriage – anything you want to make well and lasting over time, means that you think long and hard beforehand, and commit once. Once you’ve decided on a parenting practice – stop listening to alternative views  (sleep training, eating, school system) or at least turn a little bit of a blind eye so that you can counter balance shiny object syndrome – always thinking the next thing is better. Your choices are good until they’re awful. Meanwhile stick with them because a bad choice is better than the limbo of no choice at all. Remember – sometimes the decision decides you – ride the wave, and practice surrender.
  3. Consistency – Massive results are built of tiny habits that compound over time. They’re not the consequence of one big action. Create small, predictable patterns that you and your kids can rely on, rituals  (in our home we have a weekly tech sabbath ritual and a daily bedtime ritual plus our morning ritual) – these rituals become habits which in the end inform the very way your life looks and feels.
  4. Contentment – Actively becoming a relentless optimist and training your brain to see the good in people, places and things. It’s worth working on loving what you have. It’s worth realizing that it doesn’t get better than this. One of the best ways to cement this new approach is through a gratitude practice.  As much as I love Instagram – we must stop focusing on and believing in the highlight real. All life is complex and has ups and downs, what matters is the interpretation you give it.
  5. Calm – Take being calm as a project. It’s not a personality trait, it’s a practice. What would make you calmer? Being calm allows for a more enjoyable life, peace, serenity and clear thinking. Here are 10 Zen Parenting Principles I Learned from Yoga 
Ultimately taking back our minds and creating a clear, reliably calm state of mind effects the quality of our life in dramatic ways.
Which of these C’s speaks to you and which do you need to work on most? What’s one thing you can implement today to begin making these hacks a reality in your life? I’d love to hear your insights, or just leave me a “LOVE”  in the comments below.
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But that’s why I want to share real human beings from all walks of life who have actually been through this course and received meaningful and priceless renewals in their relationships. ⁣

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Ever find yourself waiting for your partner to change? Sometimes, it feels easier alone. ⁣

As much as you want and need the support - I know sometimes it can just feel easier to run your home on your own. ⁣

No one criticizing. ⁣
No one judging. ⁣
No one commenting. ⁣
No one watching. ⁣
No one adding to your to-do list with their needs.⁣
No one irritating you.⁣

Ah. Bliss. ⁣

But did you ever have these thoughts only to then think: "Yikes! That's not really what I want, is it? What's wrong with me? What's wrong with us!?"⁣

And what has waiting for your partner to change gotten you so far? ⁣

Stop waiting... ⁣

You deserve to have a happy marriage, and your kids deserve to have happy parents. ⁣

And don't wait on your partner, because the Parent In Love program is DESIGNED to be done alone - so that YOU can focus on what YOU can change: yourself.⁣

Your partner will necessarily be affected by the changes you make - because that's how relationships work, we're intertwined like that. ⁣

So TAKE A BREAK trying to change your partner right now, and finally, start to see some real transformation. ⁣

Psst... Your partner doesn't even have to KNOW you're doing the program - not that I'm suggesting you hide this from them, especially if you two are used to discussing financial investments you make - but I DO want you to know that many members have gone through Parent In Love WITHOUT letting their partners know about it. ⁣

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3 Replies to “5 Mindset Hacks to Minimize Stress”

  1. I’ve been studying and practicing Mindfulness for nearly twenty years, and I’m so impressed with your blog. Yes! It’s so important to understand our own dreams. LOL, “recovering people pleaser” and to “declutter your mind,” I can’t agree more. I attended a lecture years ago, and the theme was to lighten your backpack. Your “decluttering” the mind is equally as important. I like how you take all of this info and package it nicely into five simple 5-C hacks. Your section on consistency resonated with me. It’s so important, especially with young kids. You can make mundane activities into consistent, playful activities. My parents did this with me, so I automatically did this with my two grown kids. One of my favorite consistent traditions was originally a push-pull, power struggle… bedtime! It was always an unpleasant moment (and being a single mom didn’t help). One day, we created a nightime list to clearly outline the steps and develop a routine. Then the fun came… I presented a fun incentive. If my kids got ready by 7:30 PM, we’d gather in the living room to watch our favorite show (“Rugrats”). I had us start right after dinner to get a jump start and make sure our goal was met. Getting ready became a lot of fun… and a special time we still remember. Learning to stay calm is so critical, and making a game of frustrating moments empowers the kids, makes parenting more fun, and provides opportunities for connecting as a family. Thanks for clearly articulating how to be more mindful and present for our kids!

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