Some stuff didn’t go as planned. Some dreams had to be postponed. Some milestones have been missed…
Maybe there’s still room to retrieve some of the hopes we had for this year and manifest them to #FinishStrongWithTPJ this year! Maybe some can be rescheduled for a later date. And yet others may never happen at all…
Take the time today to journal in your Finish Strong Guide and notice: did I plan over ambitiously? Were my expectations unrealistic? Or perhaps did life just throw a completely unforeseen series of events and circumstances my way?
Missed events and messed up plans are an invitation to step into the energy of surrender and creativity. Plot twists teach us agility, flexibility and adaptability. What did you need to adapt to this year?
What didn’t work out? How has it taught me agility, flexibility and adaptability? Please share in the comments on Instagram or Facebook.