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I'm Avital.

You want a present, peaceful and playful family life? I'm here to help you make that a reality.

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TRIGGERED? What to do…

Peaceful Parenting is hard, this we know. And, as I argue here, continual parenting education is critical for most of us.

Which is why I was thrilled when my teacher, mentor and partner in role-play-crime, Dr. Laura Markham of released her third book – this time a workbook for us parents to learn to self regulate.

As was obvious from my lego-star-wars debacle, I’m not always so finely regulated, myself.

I’m sure Dr. Laura’s reputation precedes her but in case you aren’t familiar yet – head on over here and start with seeing her in action in a collection of role-play episodes we made together (I’m tantruming like a 3 year old – cringe – and she’s my mom).

I have been cozying up with the hubmonster (almost) every evening – and going through a few pages of the workbook together.

  • He loves the practicality and applicable advice – that he can put into practice the next day.
  • I love the reflective questions, the opportunity to revisit and think deeply.
  • He loves the science based information.
  • I love the empathic, firm approach.

Point being, get the book, and work through it – alone or with your partner 🙂

Today I wanted to shout out (or softly whisper) about one of Dr. Laura’s awesome methods for stopping our triggers in their tracks. If, like most humanoids, you too get triggered sometimes – you’ll want to print out my little poster, or download my phone background (save it as your screen saver) so that you can keep this tactic top of mind for the next few weeks.


The Technique has four basic steps: When you're triggered, the first step @DrLauraMarkham teaches us is to STOP, DROP and BREATHE. Try it today!via @ParentingJunkieTweet This

      – everything you’re doing.
    Physically pull away from the situation, life your hands, shut your mouth, halt!
    DROP – drop your agenda. Drop your preconceived notions and judgments. Drop your thoughts for a moment.
    BREATHE – ten slow breaths are the typical advice – anything to slow the system down and let your brain know this is not an emergency.
    Remind yourself of your choice and commitment to Parent from Love!
    Rather than the original (probably damning) judgement of your child, yourself or the situation – what alternative thoughts could you offer?
    Some ideas to calm yourself might be:
    Drink water
    Take a walk
    Listen to music
    Stretch or hang upside down
    Move yourself!
    Get outside/ open a window!
    Call a beloved friend



What calms you down? How do you stop triggers in their tracks? What did you love most about Dr Laura’s approach? Give me a LOVE in the comments if you, too, have found her work AMAZING ❤️

Watch Dr. Laura parent 3, 4, 5 year old Avital! ►

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Create a marriage you LOVE with the partner you've got! ⁣

Parent in love to create family bliss.⁣

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There's still time to slide right in! With just 24 hours left, all you need to do is sign up now (for $0)'ll have another 14 days to decide! #ParentInLove Link in bio @ParentingJunkie ( ...

Now look, we’re all tired of the over-inflated results that course creators are flaunting on the interwebs. We’re all suspicious of online courses actually delivering on all their bloated promises. So if you think, “Bah, just another expensive course I don’t need” - I feel you, I do. I take the same wary approach when buying new programs. ⁣

But that’s why I want to share real human beings from all walks of life who have actually been through this course and received meaningful and priceless renewals in their relationships. ⁣

Like Chelsea, who remarked: “When I joined Parent in Love, I was ready to give up on my marriage. Today, my marriage has had a complete overhaul! It's practically a different marriage altogether.”⁣

Or Tanya, who reported: "This course has ABSOLUTELY TRANSFORMED our marriage, our family life, and my own personal growth journey! We still fight, but the fights are fewer and we tend to make up quicker and in front of the kids now!"⁣

And here's what Jonna said: "I have tools that give me hope and I know how to start resolving our conflicts. I have started to notice how my own shift of thoughts changes the whole atmosphere in our home, not only between me and my hubby but with the kids also."⁣

Check out my IGTV for more amazing success stories.⁣

Parent In Love is a 6-month deep-dive online program that will transform your marriage from the inside out. ⁣

Check it out!⁣
LINK IN BIO @parentingjunkie ⁣

Ever find yourself waiting for your partner to change? Sometimes, it feels easier alone. ⁣

As much as you want and need the support - I know sometimes it can just feel easier to run your home on your own. ⁣

No one criticizing. ⁣
No one judging. ⁣
No one commenting. ⁣
No one watching. ⁣
No one adding to your to-do list with their needs.⁣
No one irritating you.⁣

Ah. Bliss. ⁣

But did you ever have these thoughts only to then think: "Yikes! That's not really what I want, is it? What's wrong with me? What's wrong with us!?"⁣

And what has waiting for your partner to change gotten you so far? ⁣

Stop waiting... ⁣

You deserve to have a happy marriage, and your kids deserve to have happy parents. ⁣

And don't wait on your partner, because the Parent In Love program is DESIGNED to be done alone - so that YOU can focus on what YOU can change: yourself.⁣

Your partner will necessarily be affected by the changes you make - because that's how relationships work, we're intertwined like that. ⁣

So TAKE A BREAK trying to change your partner right now, and finally, start to see some real transformation. ⁣

Psst... Your partner doesn't even have to KNOW you're doing the program - not that I'm suggesting you hide this from them, especially if you two are used to discussing financial investments you make - but I DO want you to know that many members have gone through Parent In Love WITHOUT letting their partners know about it. ⁣

And what happened? ⁣

Well, typically their partner would suddenly begin to NOTICE a profound (wonderful!) shift in their relationship and wonder "what's going on?!" ⁣

If you really want to take this program but you're struggling to work through their concerns, especially about the $ investment, I've provided scripts to help you have those important conversations with confidence. ⁣

Get the free Make It Happen PDF in the >>> FAQ >> (link in bio @parentingjunkie) #parentinlove

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9 Replies to “Dr Laura Markham – 4 Steps to Calm Down When You’re Triggered”

  1. I can recognize what you said about once you started why not then go on and on….
    A visual trick that works for me is to wear 5 thin bracelet/ hairties on one wrist. When I yell at my children, or catch myself talking to them in a bad tone I put a bracelet on my other hand. Then I have to make it up, and 5 reconnecting actions make up one wrong action.
    It helps me not to spiral into a “bad day”… and lately I actually catch myself so many times before I act on my trigger ?. Its great for stressful periods or just to get started!

  2. In the moment i often need to shake my body… like i’m shaking off the energy that does not serve me. If i have coverage i’ll often run out to nature, bathing my face in the sun, planting my bare feet on the ground (no matter how cold) and imagining mother earth herself taking the energy away from me or placing my palms on the surface of running waters and repeating… let my body be as clear as running waters.

  3. Hi,
    How can I access the live sessions on Wednesdays?
    At what time do they happen?

    1. Hey Sara! We don’t have a fixed time, but usually at about 11am EST (but this is flexible). You can access by following the facebook page The Parenting Junkie –
      Or by hitting the notifications bell in youtube.
      Here’s a link with instructions how to get notified when a facebook page you like goes live:

  4. Hi Avital, love this video. I was having such a great week coping with triggers and handling them in a calm way. Then my husband came home from his week away. For some reason I get triggered more easily by my children when my husband is home. Perhaps it’s because I want him to hear I am having a hard time and offer support, or maybe it’s because small things he does (or doesn’t) do during the day make my “irritability bucket” fill up so I’m more likely to overflow.
    Could you cover in the future something about how your relationship with your partner can also affect your trigger state? Thanks!

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