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7 Steps to Show Up to Parenting Like a Champion



Do you want to create a meaningful relationship with your children? One that you have earned their trust and respect? A relationship that even a teenager (or any age for that matter) will still find some points of connection or interest in the relationship with you? What does it take to sustain a true relationship?


What if we approached our relationship with our children the same way Olympic athletes approach their sport and their training?


In this episode you’ll discover how you can be the best parent you can be, worthy of a gold medal. You’ll learn how to develop a game plan and feel confident you’re focusing on the right things – the right things for YOU and YOUR child.


Here’s what you’ll hear:


[3:20]  Why meaningful relationships require a game plan. Most of us don’t treat our parenting relationship like Olympians treat their training and why we should.


[6:17] Who we are really competing against. Olympic athletes compete both against themselves and others and usually for medals or awards.  What are we competing for?


[9:10] Olympic athletes choose their sport – are you owning your choice? Do you believe Olympic athletes feel like they have to train or have to do their sport? Or that they complain it’s too hard? Or do they take the mindset of showing up and going through the grind but with a different perspective? How can you do the same?


[11:40] Step 1 – Find your area of genius and focus on that. How many sports do Olympic athletes compete in? Does the Olympic swimmer berate herself for not being an Olympic hockey player or does she focus on her sport of choice, her specialty? Hint: no need to try to fit into a round hole if you are a square peg


[20:51] Step 2 – How to compound your results. You don’t go to the gym once and expect to be fit. Olympic athletes don’t expect to go from 0 to gold medal in 1 day.  How can we apply this to our parenting?


[25:37] Step 3 – Be Consistent. No one is perfect and perfection is not what we are seeking. When the tough get going what do Olympic athletes do? What do you do?


[28:05] Step 4 – Your environment is your biggest supporter or your biggest saboteur.  How your environment impacts your behaviors. How to set up your environment to support your parenting goals in the same manner an an Olympic athlete would set up her environment to achieve her goals


[32:12] Step 5 – Who are you? Who do you want to be? What is your identity as a parent?  Is the Olympic athlete someone who “does swimming” or is the Olympic athlete a “swimmer.”


[37:19] Step 6 – Fill your own cup first. Olympic athletes cannot perform if they are depleted so why are you trying to?


[39:44] Step 7 – Celebrate your successes and learn from your failures.  Olympic athletes aren’t perfect either, they have missteps and fall of their game. What do they do when they fall and how can you do the same? Do you celebrate your wins like an Olympic athlete celebrates hers?


Remember, this journey of parenting is an important, meaningful, and worthy endeavor, let’s show up to it with the same enthusiasm, passion and joy that an olympic athlete shows up to her sport.


If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a selfie of you listening or a screenshot of the show, post it to instagram stories, and tag me @theparentingjunkie or feel free to DM me on instagram, I try to reply to as many as I can!


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As much as you want and need the support - I know sometimes it can just feel easier to run your home on your own. ⁣

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No one judging. ⁣
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2 Replies to “TPJ 15: Approach Parenting the Way an Olympian Approaches Her Sport”

  1. This is an amazing sum up of all the beneficial and negative factors of raising a resilient child. I loved it!

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