(pssst….there are prizes!)
What Will Be Your 3 Rocks?
Time management is one of the biggest challenges people – in developed countries – face. And when each day feels the same and your morning looks just like your afternoon – it can feel impossible to create a sense of rhythm and flow.
So let me share an awesome tip I’ve learned over the years: If you have a jar and you need to fill it with some big rocks and some small pebbles, do you know which go in first?
A: The big rocks, that’s right.
Once those are in place, the little pebbles will just pour in around them and find a place to go. Flip that order around and your important rocks… just won’t happen.
Identify your 3 big rocks.
That means, three main points in your day that are non-negotiable and happen pretty much every day at pretty much the same time. 🕒
For example, it could be:
- Your three meals… breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- Your wake up, nap time and bedtime.
- Three things you do every day, such as: circle time in the morning, a reading time in the afternoon and some movement games in the evening.
For me:
- Focus Time is at 8am
- Screen Time is at 3pm
- Bed Time is at 7pm
What will be your ③ rocks that hold the day in place? No matter what happens in between those times – at those times of day, everything stops and we do “this” thing…
My 3 Rocks:
Doing this will give you a sense of purpose, some much needed control and predictability from day to day, and then you can be much more go with the flow about the rest of the day.
If you need inspiration and ideas for your 3 rocks, open the Play Pandemic Guide.
Extra Credit: Take a screen shot of the empty spaces above, fill it in and share it on Instagram (#playpandemic @parentingjunkie) or in our Facebook Group.
Triple Credit: Share this challenge with a friend.