Homeschool vs Public School – How To Decide?
The question of homeschool vs public school was once reserved for those of us on the fringe who were considering alternative home education options. Now, suddenly it’s become 100% mainstream and global!
Everybody is asking themselves this question: What is the right educational path?
My goal today is to help you end analysis paralysis! I’m going to take you through a very methodic process to help you gain clarity in the great public school vs private school vs homeschool debate.
Home School vs Public School – Here’s How to Decide
Watch Home School vs Public School – Pros and Cons for YOUR Family on Youtube:
Benefits of Homeschooling vs Public Schooling
As you will have heard in my video, the benefits of homeschooling vs public schooling are unique to each individual child and family. What works for one family won’t be work for another.
However, I do want to offer 3 mindsets that I think might be really helpful for everyone:
Our role is to choose the environment in which our children educate themselves.
Our choices aren’t right for everyone. They’re only right for our own families.
Nothing is set in stone. We can make changes if something doesn’t feel right.
Public vs Homeschool Decision Matrix
You can download your Public vs Homeschool Decision Matrix for free and use it to help you make a decision on the best educational path.
10 Effective Homeschooling vs Public Schooling Considerations:
These 10 effective homeschooling vs public schooling considerations will help guide you down the right education path for your family. When considering each option, think about:
- Education – How confident am I that my kid will learn well?
- Time – Will I have time to take care of myself and my work?
- Cost – How affordable are my options?
- Reliability – Will this option remain stable throughout the year?
- Method – What medium will my child learn in?
- Socialization – Will my child have social opportunities?
- Autonomy – How much control do I have?
- Health – Does this option protect my family’s physical health?
- Relationships – Is this option good for my family’s emotional health?
- Intuition – How good does this feel on a gut level?
Add in any additional considerations for your unique situation. For a detailed scale to tally up what option makes more sense for YOUR family, please see my Public vs Homeschool Decision Matrix.
Public School vs Homeschool – Pros and Cons
If you went through this decision matrix alongside a partner or co-parent, you may have seen that when comparing public school vs homeschool pros and cons, your opinions differed. Something you felt confident in may have had the other left feeling very uneasy.
One reason for this may be that each parent has a different idea of what public school or homeschooling looks like.
My Home Education Approach – Focus Time
Focus Time is my very short, punchy course that gives you the clarity to provide a home education with confidence. It’s not a curriculum – It’s not going to tell you exactly what to teach your kids every single day of the year.
It’s going to give you an overview and the mindset that I have developed through a lot of trial and error.
And the main purpose is to demonstrate how to keep up with academic standards in less than one hour a day. This, alongside my free persuasion eBook can help both parents stay on the same page about what homeschooling life can be like.
It really is a worry-free approach to home education, which I think is really empowering. And I want that for you.
Homeschool vs Public School – What Did You Decide?
Have you made your decision? I’d love to hear what your decision process was like in the comments below! When comparing homeschool vs public school, did anything surprise you? What did you ultimately decide?